Northern Greece and Aegean Islands: “No-go zones” for Kyriakos Mitsotakis and New Democracy

The use of media does not suffice for a government to support any of its actions, let alone win the support of society.

The Mitsotakis government used its unprecedented mass media superiority

to undermine, as the major opposition party, the previous government and today uses its communication mechanisms to support its policies and sweep problems under the rug.

Nevertheless, in a time of just seven months, the government has already a large number of open fronts to face, fronts that have opened all across the country.

At this juncture, two regions of the country have literally become “no-go zones” for government ministers and New Democracy officials.

In Northern Greece, Kyriakos Mitsotakis is already paying the price of the pre-election populism against the Prespa Agreement, which now he thoroughly adopts and supports. It makes sense for the so-called “Macedonian fighters” to feel cheated.

But most importantly, the current government is already in direct conflict with the largest and most powerful social group in Northern Greece, the people of PAOK. Already all over Macedonia, in Thessaloniki and other cities, all party rallies, party processes, even meetings and events involving government officials are being canceled one after another, amid fears of backlash.

The current government’s unexampled identification with the interests of Olympiacos and shipowner Vangelis Marinakis has turned Northern Greece into a “powder keg”. Meanwhile, the outrageous machinations of Deputy Minister of Sports Lefteris Avgenakis, and the fact that Kyriakos Mitsotakis has yet to dismiss him, is a provocation that experts claim will have huge political costs for the current government. In any case, political analysts and pollsters are already referring to the declining rates of the ruling party in Νorthern Greece, which will soon be reflected in polls.

On the main front, the refugee crisis problem, things are even worse for the government, which is called upon to manage the effects of its inability to deliver on its pre-election commitments. Let us not forget that during the governance of SYRIZA the Moria hotspot had a maximum of 5,000 people, while in just seven months of Mitsotakis’ rule the figure had risen to 25,000. Alas, New Democracy claimed to be able to solve the problem with… “a magic wand”. Instead, however, of the magic wand, New Democracy “conjured up” a 2.7 km floating barrier to protect a 15,000 km coastline! Rightly so, government actions have been mocked at the pan-European level, while speculations and questions have arisen, as the costs are huge and will be a burden on Greek taxpayers.

Now the government is proceeding with land requisitions, which New Democracy used to “exorcize” when it was still in opposition. The result? Local communities are boiling over with rage, while the local government of the North Aegean is suspending all cooperation with a government that seems unable to cope with the role entrusted to it by the electorate.

It should be remembered that Notis Mitarachi just recently escaped being “lynched” by angry residents. Let us also not forget that the government abolished the Ministry of Migration Policy, which it later re-established, confirming that it was criminally unprepared to handle the refugee crisis.

It is no exaggeration to say that the North Aegean islands are currently a “no-go zone” for government and New Democracy officials.

And we are only at the beginning of the government’s term!


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