Government submits proposal for parliamentary inquiry into Novartis case

Government coalition partners SYRIZA and the Independent Greeks (ANEL) submitted to parliament on Monday a joint proposal for a parliamentary inquiry into the Novartis case.
The parliamentary committee will decide on whether there is enough evidence to support alleged bribery and money laundering accusations against two former prime ministers and eight former ministers in connection to the case file. 
The 10-page proposal names former prime ministers Antonis Samaras and Panagiotis Pikramenos and former ministers Dimitris Avramopoulos, Andreas Lykourentzos, Marios Salmas, Andreas Loverdos, Adonis Georgiadis, Yannis Stournaras, Evangelos Venizelos and Giorgos Koutroumanis as allegedly involved in the case.  
The Conference of Parliament Presidents decided to hold the debate on the proposal in the plenum on February 21, but said it might start a day earlier if the 10 politicians mentioned want to defend themselves in parliament.


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