Tzanakopoulos: PM to call for parliamentary probe into Novartis case on Monday

Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras will propose on Monday the setting up of a preliminary investigative committee in parliament to look into possible involvement of politicians in the Novartis bribery case, during a meeting of SYRIZA’s parliamentary group, government spokesman Dimitris Tzanakopoulos said on Saturday, speaking on TV channel “E”. 
Tzanakopoulos said he believes junior coalition government partner, the Independent Greeks (ANEL) will support the proposal. 
Asked about the case, he said the parliamentary committee is the only competent body to decide whether or not the offenses mentioned in the Novartis file and allegedly committed by political figures are time-barred and whether there are sufficient indications for criminal prosecution.
Tzanakopoulos criticized politicians who called the protected witnesses “hooded” individuals, saying this name-calling aims at creating impressions, and wondered why politicians allegedly involved in the case want to have a preferential treatment before the law. He also said the anonymous status of witnesses can only be lifted through a court order. 
“Greek justice, as all judicial systems, has mechanisms to check the credibility of witnesses,” he added.


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