EU’s Moscovici: Everyone must help Greece exit its loan programme successfully

Greece and its partners must all work for the country?s successful completion of the fiscal adjustment programme, EU Finance Commissioner Pierre Moscovici said after a meeting with Economy and Development Minister Dimitris Papadimitriou and Alternate Minister Alexis Charitsis in Athens on Friday.
Moscovici said the ministers and he discussed the next steps Greece needs to take, focusing on development. Greece is creating its own tools for a Greek strategy of growth, which will include a national development bank like other countries have, he added.
Progress in the economy is in the right direction, the commissioner said, while adding that Greece?s partners would collaborate fully so that the growth strategy is convincing and be supported by all. Everyone must work towards the country?s successful completion of the programme in August, as 85% to 90% of it has already been completed and no loss or mistake must occur at the programme?s tail end, he said.


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