Main opposition ND accuses gov’t of “unprecedented meddling in judicial affairs”

The main opposition New Democracy (ND) party accused the government of meddling in the investigation process over the Novartis bribery case, on Monday.
The Swiss pharmaceuticals giant is currently being investigated by Greek authorities over allegations of bribery towards public officials in the period 2006-2015.

The party termed as “unprecedented” the fact that government spokesman Dimitris Tzanakopoulos paid a visit to the prosecutor of the Supreme Court, revealing ? after his visit was publicised ? that he had asked for a privileged briefing.

“All these that obviously show an unacceptable attempt by the government to meddle in the investigation process, appear entirely ‘by chance’ to happen one day following a protest by hundreds of thousands of Greeks over the unacceptable handling of the (FYROM name issue) by the government,” the party said in its announcement.

The public is witnessing an unprecedented event in a democratic country, of the justice minister and his alternate briefing the prime minister on an ongoing judicial investigation, which the constitution prohibits; not only that, ND said, but they also tried to influence the case by describing is as the greatest scandal since the founding of the Greek state.


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