FYROM’s Zaev: Solution in 2018 on name dispute with Greece is possible

A solution to the name dispute with Greece in 2018 is a possibility and would open the way to an invitation for his country to join NATO, Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia (FYROM) Prime Minister Zoran Zaev said in statements to the Bulgarian television channel “Nova” on Friday. 
“I hope that we will arrive at solutions that are sufficiently acceptable to both sides because, in the end, the solution must preserve the dignity and identity of both countries. Only in this way can friendships be built on a permanent and sustainable way. I say this because, if we are intelligent and wise [enough] to solve the name problem as quickly as possible, we will be able to understand the prospects of those decisions,” Zaev said.
He repeated that there will be a referendum on any proposed solution, noting that this would act as an additional guarantee for Greece that the people of his country support the solution.


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