Dragasakis, US envoy discuss Greek economy’s road map to recovery

The government’s road map for the completion of the adjustment programme in August and Greece’s return to international markets was the focus of a meeting in Athens on Friday, with Deputy Prime Minister Yiannis Dragasakis briefing US Ambassador to Greece Geoffrey Pyatt.
According to a press release by the minister’s office, Dragasakis presented the plan under formulation now, which will focus on just and viable growth and development following the end of the bailout programmes.
The deputy PM and the ambassador also discussed developments in the FYROM name issue and the significant role Greece is called upon to play in the Balkan region.
Dragasakis noted that Greece is firmly committed to inter-Balkan cooperation, and efforts to resolve outstanding issues in a mutually beneficial way will contribute to all countries in the Balkans growing together and upgrading the area’s significance in Europe in general.


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