FM Kotzias condemns anonymous threat against his life

Foreign Minister Nikos Kotzias posted a tweet on Friday pointed to “specific systems, newspapers and TV channels” as the moral perpetrators of the threats made against his life that he received in an anonymous letter.

Citizen Protection Minister Nikos Toskas revealed earlier in the day that Kotzias had received an anonymous letter containing the message “We have three bullets for you,” in statements to the private broadcaster ANT1. He said the letter arrived on Thursday and was being investigated by police.

Kotzias also called on main opposition New Democracy and the Holy Synod to condemn the threats against him “without any ifs and buts”. He noted that he has previously been the target of threats from “specific systems, newspapers and TV channels” because they don’t have any hold on him.

Foreign ministry circles condemned the threats, adding that these will not hinder Kotzias’ determination to reach a mutually acceptable solution on the FYROM name issue that benefits Greece’s national interests.


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