Tsipras: Firm foundation for Greece-FYROM relations, not simply name issue solution

In statements after his meeting with FYROM Prime Minister Zoran Zaev in Davos on Wednesday, Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras said their efforts sought to bring to the forefront ?the things that unite our people and find a solution to those that divide us.?
?We need to promote an agenda of cooperation and joint development in order for the Balkan region to go forward and meet the challenges of the 21st century,? he said in a joint press conference with Zaev after their meeting on the margins of the World Economic Forum.
Tsipras underlined that the relations of the two countries must rest upon a firm foundation of mutual respect and good neighbourliness, noting that this meant more than just solving the name issue: ?It means that we must first tackle irredentism in all its forms and with guarantees that we will leave no window open that might allow similar provocations to be created anew in the future,? he said.
The Greek prime minister also sent a message that all the open issues must be resolved in order for FYROM to make progress in its ambitions to join the EU and NATO. He made it clear that the two countries must agree on a compound name for use in relations to everyone (erga omnes). Tsipras also announced an agreement with Zaev to intensify, under their supervision, the negotiations being carried out under UN auspices.

FYROM’s Zaev says he and Tsipras feel responsibility to resolve name dispute

Speaking after Tsipras, Zaev said that he and his Greek counterpart Alexis Tsipras feel a responsibility to resolve a 25-year-old name dispute affecting relations between the two countries, noting that this will open the way for FYROM’s entry to NATO and the EU. He noted that the final solution to the name dispute must be one that is acceptable to both parties and takes into account the national dignity of both peoples.
“We want to be partners in the EU and NATO allies to tackle the full framework of difficulties,” he said, adding that resolving the name dispute is crucial for the country’s NATO and EU ambitions. 
He announced plans to change the name of Skopje’s airport – currently named “Alexander the Great” – and of a major roadway, noting that these demonstrated that his government does not have any irredentist claims against Greece and showed its good faith. The central motorway running through FYROM to the border with Greece will be renamed the “Friendship” motorway, Zaev said.

Both Skopje airport and the E75 motorway going through FYROM had been renamed “Alexander the Great” by the country’s previous governments, led by Nikola Gruevski.

He also said his government remains committed to the UN process and its mediator Matthew Nimetz, adding that talks are entering a more intensive phase. “We are committed to building trust between our countries with the ultimate goal of helping to overcome the problems between our countries. We are at a time when we can create good-neighbourly relations,” he added. 

FYROM’s premier said that the negotiations will be raised to a higher level, being held between the foreign ministers of the two countries under the supervision of the two prime ministers.


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