The review was concluded because we accepted everything, says ND vice president Georgiadis

“The review was swiftly concluded because Greece accepted the creditors’ terms without any reaction, negotiation or discussion,” main opposition New Democracy (ND) vice president Adonis Georgiadis on Tuesday said to the Athens Macedonian News Agency’s radio station Praktoreio 104.9 FM, commenting on the outcome of Monday’s Eurogroup that approved the conclusion of the third review of the Greek programme and the disbursement of the 6.7 bln euro tranche.
“Having voted the memorandum from the beginning and without being infected by the grave illness of the anti-memorandum that stroke the Greeks and on which Tsipras (Alexis, prime minister) relied in order to be elected, I cannot help but smile when I listen to Finance Minister Euclid Tsakalotos saying that the third review was completed successfully and without any difficulty,” Georgiadis said and referred to “an unprecedented political scam that gave the opportunity to the European Commission to proceed to the selling of PPC’s lignite plants.”
“The review was concluded because we accepted everything,” he said adding that the fact that we may return to the markets in August 2018 does not mean the end of the memoranda. 
Eurogroup president said on Monday that the programme’s ownership is very important before August but also after August when all the memorandum measures will continue, Mitsotakis said and wondered for which exit we are speaking of.


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