New Democracy blasts government over handling of Turkish officer’s asylum

New Democracy criticized the government on Monday over the developments with the Turkish officer whose asylum was temporarily suspended by a Greek court at the government’s request. 
“The government must fin ally realize that Greece upholds the rule of law and is a member of the EU. And if nothing else, it should consider the fact that only Turkish media celebrate its decisions,” the party said. 
ND said the Supreme Court had ruled irrevocably not to extradite ‘Turkey’s 8’ and the independent secondary asylum committee ruled that the servicemen had no involvement in the attempted coup – which was the reason it granted asylum to one of them. 
“As a result, all the developments that we have been following since then, were the result the government’s decision to request the suspension of the asylum decision, thus not respecting both the independence of the committee and the rationale behind the decision of the Supreme Court,” it added.


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