Talks between Greece and FYROM on the name issue “have intensified considerably” and will continue when Foreign Ministers Nikos Kotzias and Nikola Dimitrov are in Brussels, UN Special Envoy for the name issue Matthew Nimetz said on Friday.
In brief remarks at the close of a second day of talks in New York, Nimetz said that Kotzias and Dimitrov held “very workmanlinke talks.” He added, “The issues are well defined, they have been narrowed. We still don’t have a final resolution of the issues, but both sides are determined to do enough to try to reach an agreement and are working very hard to do that.”
Both sides, he said “have important positions, national interests at stake, but they also both recognize the importance of reaching an agreement and are determined to do so.”
Asked to comment on whether the prime ministers of the two countries plan to meet early in June, the UN envoy replied, “The parties know each other very well: The two ministers talk frequently, the two prime mionisters know each other, so they will figure out a way to move forward.”