Industry must take a central role in the economy-Dragasakis

Industry must take a central role in Greece’s economy, in line with changes taking place in Europe and the US, Economy and Development Minister Yiannis Dragasakis said on Wednesday.
Speaking at the first general meeting of the “Hellenic Production – Industry Council for Growth”, Dragasakis said that Greece’s growth strategy foresees manufacturing increasing to 12 percent of gross domestic product in a target that is achievable, if all possibilities are taken advantage of.
The minister pointed out that talks on boosting industry is picking up across the globe, under new terms. Germany’s strategy “industrie 4.0” dominates Europe while in the US there is an emphasis on using the internet for the industrial reorganization of services.
“In Greece, discussion on this has just started. And thankfully now, even with a delay, it is starting because modern industry is needed for the sustainability of the country in Europe and the world. Therefore, industry, chain of value, research institutes, infrastructure, as one productive ecosystem, must acquire a central position in the new production identification of the country,” he said.
“We have in front of us a period of strong growth, depending on the development of external factors that could influence us. After a crisis decade, we can move into a decade of growth, with a 2030 plan for Greece, that we must all put together: the government, organizations and the community,” he added. 


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