Establishment of Progressive Alliance in Europe and Greece is SYRIZA’s strategic choice, says Papadimoulis

“The Euro-Turkish meeting in Varna on Monday may become another significant opportunity for EU to send clear messages” estimated Europarliament vice president and head of SYRIZA eurodeputies Dimitris Papadimoulis in an interview with Athens-Macedonian News Agency on Saturday. “Erdogan is not a strong as he tries to appear and this will be proved soon” he said.

Referring to the relations with FYROM, Papadimoulis supported the final agreement on “the name issue and the arbitrariness with strong and specific international guarantees and realistic approach in a spirit of consensus”.
On the occasion of the Socialists, Greens and Left Congress in Athens, Papadimoulis underlined that “the establishment of a wider Progressive Alliance in Greece and in Europe is SYRIZA’s strategic choice” 

According to Papadimoulis, SYRIZA can succeed “with guide the Greek people’s vote, another four-year term. Provided we do our job effectively and better and better by succeeding the results in the targets set” he underlined.
 On the review of the Greek programme, the Greek MEP said “the agreed to be met without delays before the official end of the memorandum in August. The Greek government must avoid the trap of delay” he concluded



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