As all opinion polls show, 2019 will not only be an election year. It will be a year that power will be transferred.
The SYRIZA-Independent Greeks coalition government will pass the baton to a government of single-party New Democracy rule or to a coalition government in which New Democracy will be the largest and dominant component.

Fatalism has no place in politics. The current government has every reason and right to struggle to avert an eventuality to which events are ineluctably leading.

At the same time, they have a duty to fight the battle within the framework set by the Constitution, political culture, and the endurance of the economy.

In the economy, the government appears for purely electotral reasons to be testing its limits with pledges, civil service hiring, and various handouts.

Meanwhile, judicial decisions ordering the disbursement of back pay, vicissitudes in the international environment, and a series of laws the provisions of which will come into effect in the future, cement the impression that the next government will have to navigate an economic minefield.

In such an envitronment, there is not much room to manoeuvre or to present an expansive repertoire of pledges.

Main opposition New Democracy would be making a huge mistake if it were to cultivate great expectations as the current government did in 2015 in order to rise to power.

The economy will endure if the political system exhibits prudence and self-constraint.

That responsibility gradually concerns the current government less and the next government more….

Πηγή: https://www.in.gr


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