Moscovici: Greece has covered most of the distance, is now on the home stretch

Greece is nearing the end of the course and has entered the home stretch, European Commissioner for Economic and Monetary Affairs Pierre Moscovici said in the Greek parliament on Friday, speaking before the members of Greek parliamentary committees.

He explained that when one has covered 70-80 pct of the distance, all sides must meet their obligations, noting that Greece’s partners will have to fulfill their commitments to complete the programme.

As he said, his wish is for Greece to return to normality, that is, to be a sovereign country with all the rights and duties, adding that “there cannot be a fourth memorandum for Greece.” Moscovici expressed his strong desire that Greece should become a normal member-state like any other, with a prosperous democracy, so that Greeks stay and live in Greece, in a strong European country.

Referring to the post-programme era, said that a growth strategy, a strategy that will be designed by the Greeks for the Greeks, should be created in the coming weeks.

As for the experiences that have been the legacy of the crisis, the European Commissioner stated that the eurozone should become more autonomous in the future, stressing also the need to create a European fund controlled by the European Parliament and European citizens. On the cohesion issue, Moscovici stressed the need to deepen economic and monetary union on a democratic basis, noting that important decisions must not be made behind closed doors.


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