27th Agrotica generated 50 mln euros to Thessaloniki

The 27th Agrotica brought 50 million euros to the city of Thessaloniki, TIF-Helexpo managing director Kyriakos Pozrikidis said on Monday in an interview with the Athens-Macedonian News Agency’s radio station Praktoreio 104.9 FM.

The 27th Agrotica, which took place on February 1-4, surpassed all expectations as it welcomed 143,754 visitors, up 16.2 pct compared to 2016’s fair.

He stressed that “it was the largest exhibition in the wider region, not only of Greece but of the South-East Mediterranean” and added that “foreign trade visitors posted a 100 pct increase compared to the 2016 exhibition, which proved the strengthening of the internationalised character of Agrotica.”

The 27th Agrotica was the largest of all previous ones. It covered over 39,000 sq.m. 15 pct more than the previous exhibition, while exhibitors amounted to 1,950 from 45 countries (direct and indirect) compared to 1,503 in 2016 and 1,349 in 2014.


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