The Greek state budget showed a primary surplus of 2.334 billion euros in the January-April period this year, up from a budget target for a surplus of 374 million euros and primary surplus of 1.726 billion in the same period in 2017.
The Finance ministry in a report on budget execution, on an amended cash basis, said the state budget showed a surplus of 193 million euros in the four-month period, from a budget target of a deficit of 1.763 billion euros and a shortfall of 1.142 billion in the same period last year.
Net revenue was 15.515 billion euros, up 1.205 billion or 8.4 pct from budget targets, while regular budget net revenue was 14.423 billion, up 689 million euros or 5.0 pct from targets. Tax returns amounted to 1.303 billion euros, up 210 million from targets. Public Investment Program revenue amounted to 1.092 billion euros, up 516 million from targets.
State budget spending was 15.322 billion euros in January-April, down 751 million from targets, while regular budget spending was 14.819 billion, down 195 million from targets. State budget spending was down by 1.120 billion euros compared with the corresponding period last year, while Public Investment Program spending was 504 million euros, down 556 million from targets.
In April, budget net revenue was 3.357 billion euros, up 269 million from monthly targets, while regular budget net revenue was 3.325 billion, up 282 million from targets. Public Investment Program revenue was 32 million euros, down 13 million from targets. Tax returns amounted to 224 million euros, down 17 million from monthly targets.
State budget spending was 3.618 billion euros, down 416 million from targets, while regular budget spending was 3.462 billion euros, down 192 million from targets. Public Investment Program spending was 156 million euros, down 224 million from targets.