Greece will be the first destination in the future, Alternate Economy Min Charitsis says

“Greece will be the first destination in the years to come,” Alternate Economy and Development Minister Alexis Charitsis said on Saturday at the Delphi Economic Forum.

Charitsis presented the actions of the Economy and Development Ministry to finance the economy and the businesses, given the crisis of disinvestment, the crisis period and the improving but still weak situation of the banking system. This effort, he said, is based primarily on the full exploitation of all the available financial instruments with very positive results so far – Greece has been among the first countries in terms of the absorption of NSRF funds as well as funds of the so-called Junker plan, while the national section of the Public Investment Program has also significantly increased over the same period.

In addition to the existing tools, the Ministry has cooperated with the EIB and the EIF and created new ones to attract more investment and address the financing needs of the economy. The minister noted that “for the first time, all financial tools – old and new – serve the same development goals to lead the economy to a new productive model capable of producing high added value products and services and creating stable and quality jobs.



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