Turkish military vehicles escort buses with migrants – Turkish police throws tear gases against Greek Security Forces! (videos)

The situation in Kastanies, Evros, remains critical, with clashes raging and thousands of migrants on the scene.

Turkey not only fails to comply with the obligations as they derive from its agreement with the EU, but also sends – as it has threatened – illegal immigrants to Europe through Greece, assisting them in their movements.

Hours after an illegal immigrant revealed that Tayyip Erdogan provides buses for free to transport them to the Greek-Turkish borders, Turkish military vehicles – as shown in the video – where seen accompanying those buses as well.

On Saturday afternoon, the critical situation continued.

At 17.30 a group of immigrants attempted to cut the fence in order to enter Greek territory.

Two Hellenic Army light armored wheeled vehicles (VBLs) immediately intervened and the soldiers with the help of the police did not allow them to enter.

When the Turkish police appeared on the other side, as it can be seen in the video, tears gases fell to Greek side.

The fence is now sealed and the fence repaired.


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