FM Kotzias: EU’s future must include a focus on its citizens

Fifteen countries, ten of them members of the European Union, sent their foreign ministers to the “Visegrad-4 plus Balkan-4” meeting in Sounio, southern Attica, which concluded on Friday. Greek Foreign Minister Nikos Kotzias, who gave a joint press conference with his Hungarian counterpart Peter Szijjarto late on Friday, said that the participants discussed their vision of … Περισσότερα

President Pavlopoulos: Greece is the outpost of the West and of the European Union in the East”

Greece is the outpost of the West and of the European Union in the East, and a stable democracy, Greek President Prokopios Pavlopoulos pointed ou on Thursday after receiving a delegation of the Washington-based American Hellenic Educational Progressive Association (AHEPA). At the presidential mansion, Pavlopoulos said, “It is a well-known fact (…) that Greece is … Περισσότερα

ND leader commends Tinos Mayor, police on stance on Rouvikonas

New Democracy leader Kyriakos Mitsotakis commended the mayor of Tinos and the island’s police for their stance towards anarchist group Rouvikonas in a tweet on Thursday. “Congratulations to the mayor Giannis Siotos and the police of Tinos. The “activists” of Rouvikonas will be taken to trial in Syros after the mayor filed a complaint for … Περισσότερα

Flood in Thessaloniki traps students, British tourists in White Tower

Torrential rain in Thessaloniki on Thursday trapped Greek and foreign visitors in the iconic White Tower in the city, when water collected at the entrance that lies below street level, prevented them from exiting. Students from a primary school in the prefecture of Magnesia and British tourists managed to leave through the ground-floor window of … Περισσότερα

Greece tops list of winners from Juncker plan

Greece is at the top of the list of European countries benefitting from the Juncker plan that targets growth, based on the country’s annual economic output, according to a tweet from the European Commission. The plan will trigger total investments worth 283.7 billion euros, representing 90% of the original target, the tweet adds. The European … Περισσότερα

Dragasakis: We are in final straight before memorandum exit

We are in the final straight before exiting the memorandum, said Economy and Development Minister Yiannis Dragasakis on Wednesday. Speaking at a Syriza party event, Dragasakis spoke about fair growth without problems from the past highlighting that we are not at the finishing line yet. In regards to banks, he said that the fear has … Περισσότερα

Duchess of Cornwall, PM’s wife Betty Baziana visit Benaki Museum in Athens

Camilla, the Duchess of Cornwall, and the wife of the Greek prime minister Betty Baziana paid a visit to the Benaki Museum in Athens during the British royal couple’s official visit to Greece, Athens-Macedonian News Agency (ANA) sources said on Wednesday. The premier’s wife accompanied the Duchess on a tour of the museum, housed in … Περισσότερα

ND leader Mitsotakis meets Prince of Wales in Athens

Greece’s main opposition leader, New Democracy President Kyriakos Mitsotakis, had a meeting with Prince Charles in Athens on Wednesday, during an official visit by the Prince of Wales and the Duchess of Cornwall to Greece. “Today I had the pleasure of meeting Prince Charles and having a very interesting conversation with him, both about the … Περισσότερα

Visit by Prince Charles and Camilla a ‘landmark’ in Greek-UK relations, PM says

Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras received Prince Charles and Camilla, the Duchess of Cornwall at the government headquarters in the Maximos Mansion on Wednesday, during the royal couple’s official visit to Greece. Thanking the Greek prime minister for his warm reception, the Prince of Wales referred to his previous visits to the country and his certainty … Περισσότερα

President calls for return of Parthenon Sculptures during dinner with visiting royals

“We hope that the return of the Parthenon Sculptures will, finally, be possible,” President of the Republic Prokopios Pavlopoulos said on Wednesday, during his address at an official dinner at the presidential mansion for visiting British royals Prince Charles and Camilla, Duchess of Cornwall. Citing Britain’s long tradition in classical studies, as well as the … Περισσότερα